Gossip boy....?

Most of you have probably heard of that TV series called Gossip Girls.

Now I've never watched that series before, 
but I did subscribe to some one who is the self-proclaimed Gossip Boy, 
my good friend and rockstar in HSG church, 

His video on "How to be a good Malaysian."

SUBSCRIBE! >> The Gossip Boy...? << SUBSCRIBE!

He's one of my biggest inspirations for me as a musician and he is a really fun guy to chill with. :)

Follow him on Twitter!

Follow! >> dannyboyAD << Follow!

Oh and do check out the single by his band! They're called LibertyMe and their single is called "Fly Away" :)

And the next fact about myself:

3. I'm a happy and satisfied Android user :D

It's been so long...

That I haven't seen your face...

Nahh just kidding, 
but it's really been a while since I last blogged!
I'm in Malaysia right now and I don'thave Wi-Fi at home so I can't use Tweetdeck nor do I check my Facebook everyday.

So many many apologies to those who are looking for me online but if you want to talk to me, leave me a Tweet by following me on my Twitter box on the right side of the page, leave a message on Facebook or send me an e-mail to strdcpro@gmail.com :)

Just wanna say that, man God is good! :)
He's so good and I'm so thankful for giving me great friends like those in HSG Church, Saujana and everywhere else in the world! Sometimes they're not just friends, but like family members and I'm telling you, even though I don't know some of them, they know how to make you smile, like the person whom I posted about previously by giving me a shout-out on her blog and I feel really honored for some reason..I'm just weird like that. :D

So just wana say:
Hey Sweetmae, it's alright, no rush, I'll sms you again later when you're not that busy :) And yea, we definitely have to frap,jam and arcade together as soon as possible! :D 

If you wanna be a real nosy person (nah just kidding ;]) then GO TO HER BLOG AND FOLLOW HER! :)

Follow! >> Live Like A Rockstar << Follow!

As I said before, I'm in Malaysia right now with A LOT of free time! Just lacking internet..hehe

Oh and on some occasions, I promote blogs of my friends so here's a blog from a younger friend of mine from HSG church! 

Follow! >> Rocketeer ♥ << Follow!

Her name is Laura Wong and her blog is worth a reading! :)

I will try updating my blog as much as I can so please be patient for my next blogpost which will take another year, week or so, so please be patient with me! 

And here's fact number 4! 
#4. I want to be a lawyer/rockstar! :)

Dang it.

Dang it. It's so hard to get over that one person. Well..I'm back to the crossroads again. Just when I thought I was gonna take a step in one direction, another foot steps in the other direction.

Oh well. I guess its being human. But I shall Trust in the Lord for whatever He has planned for me, and maybe things will work out differently. :)

Oh and fact number 5!

5. My fave beverages are water and green tea in all sorts of forms! Like this one :D

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A Pegasus Tale.

Hey there noobs and noobettes!

HEY there awesome readers! 
It seems like I haven't updated recently and 
I was in the middle of a countdown 
so real sorry to those who were (not) so excited to know about myself! Hehe.

But before I go on with number 6, I would just like to ask...are my blog posts sound that emo? :O
2-3 people ask me why I emo but to be honest, I'm not! Haha! 
When I wrote it, I was feeling pretty joyful and had a easy-going day! 

And you may probably notice why this post title is called "A Pegasus Tale."

Cause that's the YouTube username of a friend of mine and I want YOU to check her videos out and subscribe!
 She has an amazing voice and is really
 good on the guitar and you can hope to expect more from her very soon! 

One of her covers on YouTube!

Unlike me, who is not..making...a lot..of...progress...BUT! 
I promise I will have some covers up as well cause I just found out my phone records HD! Woohoo! :D


And check out her blog too!

That's her!

And here's fact number 6 about me!

6. I don't like Horror Movies!! :(

I don't wanna post a scary picture, so here you go :D


I got myself a Nintendo Wii! Woohoo! Well I didn't exactly buy it and no, I didn't steal it but my cousin gave it to me! I love him very much, not just because he gave me his Wii but for everything he's done for me and for the family :)

Modified the Wii and now all I gotta have are the games! :D

William Soo is a happy man. And here's the 7th fact about myself!

Number #7: Gotta love my friends! Why are they at number 7? Cause its my fave number and this one goes out to you guys, both in Laos and in Malaysia :)

My friends from HSG church, Malaysia :)

Just a small part of the Soaring Eagles youth group :)

MAD Camp 2010! Wooh!

For more pictures of this event, which is called MAD Camp 2010, like a page called IAmNathLong photography on Facebook and pictures will be accessible :)

And these are my wonderful friends in Laos (and Singapore). :D

A missionary team from Singapore!

At the year end concert.

The basketball team.

My classmates.10B yo, B for the Best! ;D

I miss the school days with friends and I miss my friends in KL. Will never forget you guys. You guys rock. :)

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Tell me what you want from here.

If you think this post is gonna be a rant or rage in reference to the title, then you're wrong! That's a lesson to not judge a book by its cover! Or title! :P

So yea, Monday midnight, and I've got nothing better to do but to blog for you! The reader! I should be sleeping, but nahhh. Maybe later.

Just wanna say that, getting over somebody is not as hard as people thought it would be. I'm trying to get over this one person, and I'm making quite a progress, surprisingly enough.

I hold no remorse, nor grudge, nor hate or sadness from that person but let's just say its not meant to be. :)
How to get over someone? You do what you love in your free time instead of just posting emo stuff here and there. Life is not about revolving it around one imperfect human. To me, its revolving around the perfect Living God. Call me crazy, cause that's good news to me.

Impossible? I beg to differ. :)

Philippians 4:13

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10 facts about me pt.3!

I've got nothing better to do tonight...so here's number 8!

8. When it comes to visual media and TV, I enjoy comedy the most! Inspirational movies/films are second! :)

posted from Bloggeroid

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